French Press Brewing Guide
What you need
8 cup French Press brewer
• Coffee Grinder or
Ground Coffee
•56 grams of coffee
(8 tablespoons)
• Hot water
(between 195-205°F)
• Scale
• Stirring Utensil
• Timer
• Mug
Serving: 8 Cup Total Time: 4 Min |
- Warm your French Press by rinsing it with hot water. This allows you to maintain an even temperature while brewing giving you the best extraction.
- Grind 56g or 8 tablespoons of coffee and grind it to the consistency of breadcrumbs.
- With your French Press warm you can discard the water. Proceed by adding your coffee into the press.
- Heat your water to a range of 195-205°F.
- As soon as you add the hot water begin your timer. You should fill it up halfway ensuring all the grounds are saturated.
- At the 1:00 mark, use a utensil to break the top layer and give it a good stir. (a wooden utensil is recommended as it's less likely to break the glass).
- With all the coffee saturated fill the rest of the press up and stir. Put the top on and let the coffee continue to brew without pressing it down.
- At the 4:00 mark, you are finished. Firmly push down on the the press until the filter is all the way down.
- Pour your coffee in a mug and enjoy :D.